Anshütz Synapsis NX
Raytheon Anschütz replaced the current radar software with the next generation, Synapsis Radar NX. Consistent with the human centered software design, a team of experienced marine radar users, UI experts and skilled SW developers created a re markably intuitive user interface requiring little or no training.

Raytheon Anschütz replaced the current radar software with the next generation, Synapsis Radar NX. Consistent with the human centered software design, a team of experienced marine radar users, UI experts and skilled SW developers created a re markably intuitive user interface requiring little or no training.
Optimized grouping of data and current settings allow a superior overview and instant determination of the situation and interpretation of the radar picture. The quick access bar makes the most often used operations and functions available at a fingertip, including touch operation.
The Synapsis Radar NX features an advanced tracker, which is derived from a high performance, commercial small target tracking application. Together with the lossless digital video distribution of the NautoScan NX radar transceivers this results in an optimized performance in tracking and anti-clutter processing.
Based on the LAN distribution, any transceiver data is routed with high flexibility to any workstation hosting the Radar NX software. Combining multiple radar transceivers via the optional radar video merging function provides a single, unobstructed radar video to the users which is also available as a merged radar video overly on ECDIS NX.