Anschütz Synapsis NX INS System
Synapsis NX represents the next level of Integrated Navigation Systems (INS). Synapsis NX is the world's first Integrated Navigation System which has been type-approved according to IMO performance and IEC test standard MSC.252(83)/IEC 61924-2. Synapsis NX includes (Chart-) Radar NX, ECDIS NX, and Conning NX, each as stand-alone applications or as fully integrated Multifunctional Workstations.

Synapsis NX represents the next level of Integrated Navigation Systems (INS). Synapsis NX is the world's first Integrated Navigation System which has been type-approved according to IMO performance and IEC test standard MSC.252(83)/IEC 61924-2. Synapsis NX includes (Chart-) Radar NX, ECDIS NX, and Conning NX, each as stand-alone applications or as fully integrated Multifunctional Workstations.
Smart navigation through safe and simple operation
Synapsis NX stands for safe, simplified and efficient navigation. The Bridge Integration Platform (BIP) serves as the “brain” of the system and effectively supports the operator. The BIP manages all routes, charts, and tracks, but also performs central services of the system like the distribution of consistent, validated data through the system and an intelligent central alert management. In fact, the BIP lets the operator interact with a single system only, but from multiple workstations. The BIP also enables an intelligent and modular integration of data from further sensors and selected ship systems, and also allows for scalability and upgradability during operation.
Customized systems of standardized components
The workstations use a standardized Small Marine Computer, connect to redundant LAN and integrate sensor data that are fed into the system centrally via the NautoPlex serial to LAN converters. There is no need any longer for extensive cabling of sensors to workstations, and no need for NMEA boosters for serial attached sensors. This reduces cabling and termination cost, and finally enables adaptation to any system layouts.
We know how to engineer excellent, reliable, and cost-effective navigation systems for basic IMO compliance, as well as systems providing maximum safety, operational comfort and performance even under the harshest conditions. We have proven our capabilities as a world-leading supplier of high-end navigation and bridge systems to specialized vessels, passenger ships, mega yachts and naval vessels, including dedicated program management and a broad range of lifecycle services.