Anschütz Standard 30 MF
Standard 30 MF is the second generation of maintenance free gyro compasses from Raytheon Anschütz based on Hemispherical Resonator Gyro (HRG) technology. This sensor technology has been used in Horizon MF – the predecessor of Standard 30 MF – and has proven its reliability and accuracy.

Standard 30 MF is the second generation of maintenance free gyro compasses from Raytheon Anschütz based on Hemispherical Resonator Gyro (HRG) technology. This sensor technology has been used in Horizon MF – the predecessor of Standard 30 MF – and has proven its reliability and accuracy.
The new Standard 30 MF is even smaller than its predecessor and features an optimized integration into a Raytheon Anschütz heading management system.
Developed with a strong focus on robustness, Standard 30 MF settles even at rough sea states and provides heading output even if speed and latitude input fails – a significant advantage over other compass systems.
Standard 30 MF offers an additional benefit for vessels with DP systems. Some classification societies permit replacing a motion reference unit (MRU) with the roll and pitch output from the Standard 30 MF. This reduces investment costs and also maintenance costs as no periodic drift calibration is required.
Standard 30 MF uses Hemispherical Resonator Gyros (HRGs) as angular rate sensors. HRGs are vibrating resonator gyros consisting of only a few elementary pieces, assembled in a miniature hemisphere decoupled from the outside equipment: A single resonator and electronics for resonator control and vibration sensing. The
simple design was engineered to make the gyro extremely reliable with no wear and tear and no need for maintenance. The mean time between failure (MTBF) value of the HRG technology is more than 100,000 hours (which is multiple times higher than the MTBF values of fiber optical or ring laser gyros) bringing forth an outstanding long-term stability and lifetime.