Vessel management system
Our unique solution for far-reaching automation on board dredgers, offshore vessels, yachts and other vessels.

An advanced vessel automation system, which incorporates all bridge, engine room and other processes on board.
The ongoing trend in ever-increasing digitalisation plays an important role in the maritime sector. Smart systems on board are increasingly being linked by means of smart sensors (IoT), allowing more functionality to be added to the systems. In addition, owners are asking for enhanced reliability and higher levels of availability for their ships, which also entails additional demand in terms of automation.
Vessel management system
Alewijnse has developed a vessel automation system for medium sized and large vessels, which incorporates all bridge, engine room and other digital process on board. The system is in full compliance with the major classification societies.
By means of combining standard and customised screens, an advanced technological interface is available for each customer to monitor and operate all ship systems in real time, with the option of monitoring trends and logging data points also available.

- Alarm, monitoring & control
- Watch responsibility system
- Propulsion monitoring & control
- Power & load management system
- Integrated radars / AIS
- Autopilot, Joystick, DP/DT
- Conning Display
- Communications - GMDSS
- Voyage data recorder / Black box
- Fire alarm & detection system
- Load & stability system
- Master clock function, day, twilight, night
- Function manager (Watch Dog)
- Instrumentation manager
- Reefer monitoring system
- Process automation
- Entertainment system
- Functional integration
- Commercial off-the-shelf
- Cable reduction
- Upgradeable
- One stop shopping
- Reduction of man power and spare parts
- Tailor made
- Easy to control and maintain
- Redundancy