Alewijnse draught and loading system (ADLS)
By continuously and precisely measuring a vessel’s draught and hopper volume, the Alewijnse Draught and Loading System (ADLS) contributes to the optimal use of a vessel’s payload capacity.

Our ADLS calculates and visualizes important outputs, enabling maximum production efficiency.
The ADLS accurately measures several key variables using high quality sensors:
- Vessel draught
- Trim and ballast tank volumes
- Hopper volumes
- Overflow position
Based on these measurements, the ADLS calculates and visualises important outputs, enabling maximum production efficiency:
- Vessel tilt & list
- Hopper load & volume (in-situ and tonnes dry solid)
- Production efficiency
- Pump production
- Actual load rate and efficiency

To enable further dredge cycle optimization, the ADLS offers several advanced automatic control functions:
- Automatic Draught Controller (ADC), for better production and safety
- Automatic Light Mixture to Overboard (ALMO), for increased production
- Water Layer Controller (WLC), for reduced environmental impact
Alewijnse brochure Automation Solutions Dredging
(pdf, 2 MB)