Extra power supply for Meat processor T.Boer
Alewijnse advised Meat processor T.Boer for extra power supply based on life cycle costs.

In order to expand the cooling capacity at slaughterhouse T.Boer, an increase in power was a must.
Meat processor T.Boer investment based on LCC
With an extra transformer the goal to expand cooling capacity would be achieved. Alewijnse was involved in realising the required power. We advised a larger investment that significantly reduced the total Life Cycle Costs of the installation. The meat processor agreed.
Extra power for extra cold store
Additional power was needed to increase the cooling capacity. This would be achieved by installing an extra transformer. Alewijnse was approached to help think about increasing the power and transformer load. Jean-Pierre Gerrits, Project Manager Industry, took a different approach. He examined what investments would be needed over the next 20 years to keep the energy supply reliable. Based on the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) - total cost of the installation over the next 20 years - compared to the investment, the best option was to replace the existing main distributors and expand them with additional groups. Due to the more compact design, it was possible to realise the required expansion in the limited space.
Cost savings through investment
The initial thought of installing an extra transformer was abandoned. The additional transformer would involve additional fixed costs and energy losses. By replacing the existing main distributor, the number of transformers would remain the same and with it the fixed costs per month. In addition, a number of parts of the existing main distributor were out of order. As a result, renovation or replacement was unavoidable within the foreseeable future. Thanks to the new main distributor with expansion options and generator fields, energy distribution is again responsibly guaranteed for the coming years.
About T.Boer & Zn.
T. T.Boer & Zn. is a global veal processing company with sales in more than fifty countries. The company has grown into one of the most important suppliers of veal products in the world and is part of the VanDrie Group.